Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy Birthday RPK

So it was the guys birthday and to be honest every man deserves to get something good on their birthday. Well, maybe not something amazing but something better than, I don't know


So once again, in the good ol' spirit of things let us take a trip down town to the Malaysian Constitution.

Article 10, Sepuluh, TEN!
(had to write in Malay lah, just in case Syed Botak here wanted to read it and we all know he can't speak English)

Article 10 (1) guarantees the freedom of speech, the right to assemble peacefully and the right to form associations to every Malaysian citizen.
Eh, did we all just hear another HOME MINISTER deny this "freedom" for self preservation?

Did we just see a famous political critic get imprisoned by the ISA because he exercised this right and the government simply did not like it?
Can I just remind you that when you wish to arrest someone for insulting Islam and posting articles that would cause "unrest" that you investigate the matter further, to prevent yourselves from looking like idiots?
Oh and furthermore dear government of Malaysia, I think you should all jail yourselves for causing the BIGGEST hit of civil unrest yet. Eh, panggil panggil ISA datang.

You know over the years, I learnt that those who are truly good at what they do are not afraid of criticism. So I guess thats how we all know, the current government (particularly Hamid and Badaws) ain't all that good at what they do. Ain't that right now.

So when they say men dig their own graves, the smarter ones upon realising that they are doing this, try to dig themselves out.
But no, in Malaysia they dig and dig and dig and dig and get the picture :)

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